Revision of ANA Cargo Privacy Policy

Important Other


Thank you very much for using ANA Cargo services.

We have revised the contents of our Privacy Policy as part of our regular revision based on the California Consumer Privacy Act in order to respond appropriately to laws and ordinances regarding personal information.

The revised version of the privacy policy will come into effect on December 1, 2022.

Please note that the text additions and revisions do not involve any substantial changes to the intended use of personal information.

<Major revisions>

・Chapter 1. 3. (Purpose of using personal information)

We have clearly stated that we may analyze customer information and use it for marketing and other measures.

・Chapter 4. Handling of personal information of California residents by ANA Cargo

No revisions have been made to the content of this Chapter as part of our regular revision.

・We have also made minor corrections to the expressions used in the Privacy Policy.

▼ See here for the ANA Cargo Privacy Policy.

We will continue to make every effort to ensure that your personal information is handled appropriately in accordance with our privacy policy.