Operation of ANA Europe flights (From 01-19 April)

Important Schedule


Thank you for your continuous support to ANA Cargo.
Please kindly be informed of the following ANA's flight suspension between Japan and Europe due to high possibility of its operations not being able to overfly Russian territory under the current Ukraine situation.

TC2 CNL en 0328掲載.PNG

Regarding the latest information which shall be posted in the ANA Cargo's website when fixed, please kindly check the following

URL: https://www.anacargo.jp/en/int/
(Please refer to the "Important notice".)

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused to our valued customers, but your kind understanding and cooperation is highly appreciated.
Should you have any inquiry, please contact our Sales in charge.

*Flights are subject to change without notice.

< End of Document >

TC2 Schedule_0401-0419.pdf