International Freighter & Passenger Flights ~ Operation Change due to Coronavirus ~
Dear Valued Customers
Thank you for your continuous support to ANA group.
Please kindly be informed of ANA's international freighter and passenger flights' operational plan change until Jun. 30, 2022 due to COVID-19, as follows.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused and highly appreciate for your understanding and cooperation.
【 Scheduled Freighter Flights 】 (Jun. 1 ~ Jun. 30, 2022)
* This time's changes are high-lighted in yellow color.

*1: NH8517 on 6/6 and 7 to be adjusted. (NH8518 on 6/7 and 8 to be adjusted)
*2: NH8517 on 6/13 to be suspended. (NH8518 on 6/14 to be suspended.)
*3: NH8427 on 6/4 and NH8506 on 6/5 to be suspended.
【 Non-Scheduled Freighter Flights 】 (Jun. 1 ~ Jun. 30, 2022)

*1: Suspended on 6/14, 21 and 28.
*2: To be adjust the timetable.
【 Passenger Flights 】 (Jun. 1 ~ Jun. 30, 2022)

*1 Departure day of Japan bound (arrival) flights will be on the following day of above (Japan departure) dates.
- Above operation plan / schedule is subject to relevant government authorities' approval.
- Indicated aircraft type may change without prior notice due to the condition of operation day.
Should you have any inquiry, please kindly contact the sales in charge.
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