Notification for Korea Advance Manifest System (KAMS)



Please be informed that the Advance Manifest System will go live in Korea effective from 01 June, 2012. From this date on, pre-arrival information for shipments into the Korea must be provided electronically at least before departure at the airport of loading. If the required data is not provided, shipments may be delayed, refused or penalized by the Korean Customs.

1) Effective Date
From May 25th, 2012 (Trial period; May 25th to May 31st)
2) Subject Freight
Applies to freight offloaded in Korea
(For transit shipments via Korea: Not required to transmit FHL)
3) Required messages and information
  • a) Following messages and message versions are recommended.
    ・FWB message version 16
    ・FHL message version 4
  • b) Freight forwarders are required to provide accurate description in each mandatory entry
    - particularly,(1) Commodity Name, (2) Consignee Name - on the messages in accordance with the published guidelines. Key entries including the two primary items will be screened for verification in rigid manner as part of strengthened risk management of Korea AMS
4) Acceptance
In case manual data entry is needed, we offer our staff to arrange input. In this case, please provide extra Master Air Waybill copy and House Manifest copy.
5) Others
  • a) Please contact local ANA Sales staff for the Korea transmission charges.
  • b) ANA will not be responsible for the delay, refuse or penalty from the Korean customs made by the customers' false entry or incorrect data transmission.